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Three Tips for Successful IoT Adoption for Industry

Nick Lockley • 8 March 2021

With process automation, industry has been using the Internet of Things (IoT) for decades. Arguably, even before the IoT as an entity had really been created. Machines were calibrated to respond to each other, triggering alerts if measurements needed adjusting, or instruments needed correcting.

Today, the IoT is capable of doing so much more than that, and yet many sectors of industry have held back on further adoption. This is partly because current systems work… But there’s always room for improvement.

The adoption of IoT technologies holds significant potential for industry, in terms of productivity, cost savings and efficiency. Here are a few ways that your business might benefit from IoT integration.

Three Things to Consider for Successful IoT Adoption for Industry

External sensors

One of the main reasons why IoT tech has not been widely embraced in industry is because it was invasive, and therefore expensive. Until very recently, sensors would need to be embedded within equipment to accurately work. This would mean considerable disruption and expense. New sensors are smaller – some no bigger than a postage stamp – lighter and can work from the peripheries.  With long life battery power and wireless connectivity, system integration becomes entirely painless. And considerably cheaper to manage.

Shadow sensors

IoT evolution has meant that tech adoption has often been patchy. In those organisations where IoT integration has taken place, there are usually gaps, where the investment has been in essential areas, leaving less vital operations – such as analytics – to be performed manually. Advancing tech means that businesses can now employ shadow sensors to support their existing infrastructure without legacy disruption. Measuring metrics and providing data far more efficiently and cost effectively than human workers are able.

Field expansion

Likewise, smaller, more cost-effective sensors allow for the expansion of industrial IoT systems. With the use of M2M SIMs, industry now has the potential to quickly and simply gather data from field projects without the deployment of field workers. While central operations may have already been partially automated, field operations are often left to manpower. This is because until recently, the technology was too big and too expensive to leave in the field, particularly for non-critical operations. Wired or tethered connectivity also limited functionality. Today’s tech makes this expansion not only possible, but profitable.

The basic remit of the IoT in industry is the streamlining and simplification of time-hungry tasks. You’ve already seen how it can increase accuracy and productivity in the automation of many machine processes. But now, it can reduce the time and money spent in the field. It can provide instant data on almost anything, anywhere. It can remove wasteful processes, and it can empower decision making. And it can do all of that without necessitating major operational disturbance. IoT for industry is an area that is evolving by the day. And its potential is becoming limitless.

If you would like more information about how M2M SIMs can be used to enhance your IoT performance, contact Better M2M today. 

by Nick Lockley 24 September 2021
Whatever sector you work within, if you deploy mobile or Internet of Things (IoT) devices, you’ll have a barrage of SIMs at your command. They may just be traditional mobile phone SIM repurposed to your needs. Or you might be working with a range of machine to machine (M2M) SIM for global, European, or straight IoT use. But as your business onboards more devices, keeping track of data, usage, and even location can become problematic. That’s where a SIM management portal can come into its own. Do I Need a SIM Management Portal for My Business?  What is a SIM management portal? A SIM management portal is a digital platform created to allow for the smooth and integrated management of all of your organisation’s SIM cards. They’ve been designed to enable not just the tracking of SIM, and the monitoring of their use. But access to the data they are collecting in real time, from anywhere. As well as the redistribution of assets, helping you to control your budget in a way previously unavailable. If, for example, one of your devices has used very little data, you can transfer its remaining data allowance to another, busier application. Allowing you to continue working without incurring additional costs. A SIM management portal also provides one-stop access to contract management, device security protocols, and device [de]activation. Essentially bringing clarity to your organisation’s tech infrastructure. Who would benefit from a SIM management portal? Basically, any business that relies upon SIM-connected devices. From logistics and taxi enterprises, to security and industry . Whether you use SIM to track assets or collect data, a SIM management portal can help you stay in control of your devices and your data. Are there any drawbacks to using a SIM management portal? The only risk associated with portal adoption is choosing the wrong provider for your needs. Some portals have limited use across device function and network. Others simply aren’t cost effective. Our leading IoT Platform, BetterConnect , provides everything you need to access and manage your IoT devices. With a range of scalable prices according to your business’ requirements, we can help you find the best solution for you. As IoT devices become an increasingly important part of the business landscape, the demand for simple SIM management has grown. For those organisations wanting to maximise productivity and efficiency, a SIM management portal has become an integral part of their business ecosystem. Get in touch with BetterM2M to request a free demo SIM and discuss your SIM management needs.
by Nick Lockley 16 September 2021
Smart buildings are becoming increasingly important in a sustainably aware society. With the growing pressure to reduce energy consumption and waste, simple ways to monitor and control the built environment are becoming ever-more essential. New builds are being created with this in mind – both for residential and business properties. While technology has evolved to allow older, even heritage buildings, to be retrofitted with devices enabling the spaces to be used more efficiently, for a reduced carbon footprint. But without M2M SIM , this process would be far more invasive and expensive. The Role of M2M SIM in the Smart Buildings Movement  What are smart buildings? A smart building is defined by its use of technology to facilitate the creation of the most comfortable and safe working and/or living environment. While ensuring that resources are used as effectively as possible. This can include climate control, distribution of resources, smart maintenance, and predictive maintenance. How do smart buildings work? The smart building infrastructure is facilitated by sensors. Tiny sensors are deployed throughout the building to collect and feedback various data points. This can range from building occupancy to individual room temperature, and water consumption. These data points are then fed back to a central control point. Depending upon individual user settings, the data can be used to either automatically manage the building’s environment and maintenance routines through AI (artificial intelligence). Or provide managers with the information they need to initiate any required changes. How is the data transferred? The real beauty and benefit of smart building management in the age of the Internet of Things (IoT) is that all of this data gathering and transfer can be done without any structural intervention. Sensors are now powered by tiny, super long-life batteries. And can transfer data via either a standard internet connection, or through the use of M2M SIM. This means that the sensors can be used almost anywhere, to gather almost any kind of data. Because there is no need for structural integration, the sensors can be deployed at a far reduced cost. And they can work without reference to any legacy systems. What’s the benefit of smart buildings? Smart buildings are beneficial for all kinds of reasons. Sustainability is a primary reason for building smart technology into your building’s infrastructure. But it can also help to reduce expense, as resources are only used where they are needed. It can enhance productivity, as workers are more comfortable, healthier, and happier with their working conditions. Smart sensors can provide a watertight record of compliance adherence – whether for specific issues, such as Covid-19, or broader health and safety compliance. And you can benefit from reduced downtime, as predictive maintenance helps to prevent problems before they occur. With smart sensors and M2M SIM, any building can now become a smart building. Data can be gathered and transmitted from any location. Allowing managers to take control of their assets – and provide the best experiences for their people – wherever they are in the world. If you’re looking for more information about M2M SIM for smart buildings – or any other application – get in touch with Better M2M today.
by Nick Lockley 25 August 2021
There seems to be endless options these days, when it comes to connectivity. But if your business relies upon the live streaming of data, especially video content, cellular bonding has become the go-to solution. But what exactly is cellular bonding? And how could it be of benefit to your business?  What Do You Need to know About Cellular Bonding? What is cellular bonding? Cellular bonding is the process in which two or more cellular modems are intelligently combined to enable the user to exploit the combined bandwidth. The benefit this process brings is optimised performance. With the ability to rapidly connect and achieve high connection speeds in almost any location, you never need to worry about losing your signal at an integral moment. A cellular router is the best way to ensure connectivity where fixed line facilities aren’t available. Where might cellular bonding be beneficial? Cellular bonding devices are being deployed in a wide range of sectors and services. One of the most common reasons for adoption is video production, frequently for live news streaming and other outdoor broadcasts. But like M2M SIM communication, the potential applications are significantly broader. And range from medical use whereby first responders can relay crucial information, to Wi-Fi provision on public transport, and the transmitting of data from security systems. Does my business need a cellular bonding router? Well, the easiest way to answer that is with another question. Is wireless video transmission integral to your business? If yes, then cellular bonding tech can be a good investment. Equally so, if you need to ensure connectivity for a large amount of data where a wired connection is not always available, whether for a high number of users, or larger file sizes. Using a cellular bonded router can be significantly more cost-effective than wired solutions. The technology is usually easily transportable. It guarantees the best possible connection in any given location. And it’s an easily scalable solution that can simply grow with your business’ needs. Finding the best connectivity solutions for your business isn’t always easy. Cellular bonding is just one of the growing list of options. But it can be invaluable when fixed line networks fail to provide the connectivity you need, when you need it. If you’d like advice on the best connectivity solutions for your business, get in touch with Better M2M .
by Nick Lockley 11 August 2021
If there has been one key business term of the last five years, it has to be ‘customer experience’ (CX). It’s not just about providing a decent level of service that won’t see your customers turning to social media to vent. It’s about going the extra mile. Enhancing your processes and systems to remove any pain points, smoothing the customer journey, and turning customers into brand ambassadors. With its emphasis on remote and automated processes, the Internet of Things (IoT) seems an unlikely tool in the championing of CX. But it has more to offer than you might expect. Six Ways the IoT Can Help Improve Your Customer Experience 1. Experience personalisation Communication personalisation has been around for a while. A sales email full of irrelevant products is going to achieve nothing more than irritation. But the IoT can take personalisation to the next level. Few stores use it yet – possibly with the exception of Amazon – but with the IoT, it’s possible to link rewards cards, so that customers can receive tailored offers whenever they entre a bricks and mortar store. Sensors can be deployed to gauge the interest of certain customer types in certain products. And when working digitally, you can use the IoT to monitor customer interests and guide them to new, relevant products and experiences. 2. Real time strategy input Data has become one of businesses most valuable assets in recent years. And that’s mainly due to the machine-to-machine communication (M2M) and the IoT. Because although businesses have been able to gather vast swathes of data for decades, most of it has been unusable. Simply because the gathering is the easy part, it’s the extracting and analysing that takes time. With the IoT and M2M communication, vital data can be extrapolated and reported in real time. Whether it relates to monitoring fraudulent activity, tracking shipments, or easing points of friction for customers. 3. Inventory management You can provide the best customer service in the world, but it counts for nothing if you can’t also supply the products your customers need. From cold chain management to automating order processes, with the IoT, smart sensors and M2M SIM, you ensure that your inventory remains healthy and accurate. And that you remain informed and in control. 4. Customer feedback management Have you ever had that thing, where you’ve been so incensed by a lack of service, or a failed product that you’ve felt compelled to complain? And then been even more incensed that your complaint hasn’t been responded to? And you’ve moved from being a perfectly average customer, to an ex-customer with a grudge in moments. The thing is, that most poorly handled customer complaints come down to the mishandling of feedback. A complaint is made, but never seen. With the power to create keyword alerts, the IoT makes customer retention – and recovery – significantly easier. Meaning that you need never talkdown a Facebook diatribe again. 5. Improved security For any business with a digital presence, security must be of paramount importance. And the IoT is powering some of the most advanced security protocols. If you’re providing an IoT-based service – surveillance monitoring, building management sensors, managed cold chain systems – then M2M SIM have the potential to deliver the securest network connection available. Then there’s the potential to employ IoT-enabled biometric sensors and IDs for verification. And there is real-time monitoring available, to ensure that security threats are picked up – and dealt with – as they happen. 6. Environmental enhancement If you run a business that welcomes customers on site, your physical environment can significantly impact the time that your customers spend with you. And consequently, their likelihood to spend cash. Too hot, too cold, too dark, too bright, and customers are unlikely to linger. Using smart sensors – connected via M2M SIM – to monitor and manage your environment can reduce overheads through unnecessary heating or cooling expenditure, while creating the optimal environment for your customers. They can also be employed to ensure that your cleaning protocols are being adequately observed. While proximity sensors can help to ensure that customers feel safe when on site.  The potential of the IoT is only just being uncovered. For businesses working to optimise their customer experience, it has the potential to be a significant asset. If you’d like to learn more about using M2M SIM to connect IoT devices, get in touch with better M2M today.
by Nick Lockley 2 August 2021
Machine to machine (M2M) communication has become more or less common practice in business today. It is used across sectors for endless purposes. Some of which rely on the use of M2M SIM for continuous functionality. The beauty of M2M SIM is that they’ve been designed specifically for business use. They’re more durable, can withstand significant temperature fluctuations and rough handling, and they can latch on to the strongest available network at any given time. And because M2M SIM were created for business, they’re also simpler to configure and to manage than traditional SIM, allowing businesses to securely access their data from a central hub, and to redistribute data allowance for the most cost-effective communication solution. But while M2M SIM can be deployed with great benefit in any M2M device, there are certain sectors where they provide the only viable form of connectivity. So, where are M2M SIMs most commonly used? And what benefits do they bring there?  The Five Most Common Purposes for M2M SIM Deployment 1. Fleet vehicle tracking and GPS There are various reasons why M2M SIM can benefit in the management of fleet vehicles. They range from simple GPS and the tracking of assets, to monitoring driver behaviour. With data-driven insurance a genuine prospect of the near future , it’s becoming increasingly important that fleet managers have the power to identify and correct potentially damaging behaviours. While the ability to locate vehicles not only acts as a valuable security feature, but has the power to dramatically enhance customer service and the customer experience. 2. Logistics As well as vehicle tracking, in logistics M2M SIM can also work with other Internet of Things (IoT) devices . This allows for real-time information transfer and – potentially – control over previously difficult to handle variables. Cold chain management. Compliance and reporting. Smart routing and rerouting. And security. These are all areas that have the capacity to incur losses for a logistics company. With real-time smart monitoring and reporting, you have the power to prevent issues and reduce their impact. 3. Security It’s arguable that most CCTV and smart security systems can be connected to the internet via Wi-Fi. But M2M SIM have benefits here too. To start with, they provide more flexibility when it comes to siting. Then there is the issue of connectivity – if there is a power outage Wi-Fi fails. M2M SIM will always connect to the strongest available signal, meaning that it’s extremely rare for connectivity to be disrupted. And M2M SIM are more secure. They’re more difficult to break into. And they can be set up to work with VPNs (Virtual Private Networks), which means that all data sent from your device is encrypted. More than once. 4. Industry Although in most industrial settings Wi-Fi is readily available, where there is heat, or cold, or significant movement – including the vibrations of heavy machinery – it is easy for standard wireless tech to be damaged. This is where the durable build of M2M SIM comes into its own. There are different types of M2M SIM for different sectors. But M2M SIM for industry have a temperature tolerance range of between -40°C and 105°C. They are also generally more suited for the rigours of an industrial setting. 5. Smart monitoring Smart monitoring refers to a multitude of potential applications. It could be for traffic or air pollution monitoring and management in smart cities. It could be for buildings management – is the temperature of this office comfortable? How much energy is being used in this complex? Is it necessary? Has this pipe passed enough water to make legionella flushing unnecessary? Or it could be for warehouse management, smart home solutions, or for agricultural purposes. Whatever the use, smart monitoring is one of the fastest growing technical developments of the last decade. And M2M SIM make it possible. The reason M2M SIM have become so integral to contemporary business is that they provide the flexible connectivity necessary to drive endless industrial and business processes. In a world where data is more valuable than ever before, M2M SIM provide the key to seamless and secure connectivity. Are you interested in M2M SIM deployment for your business? Request your free Better M2M demo SIM today.
by Nick Lockley 15 July 2021
Anyone who has ever owned a mobile phone will have at least a sketchy idea of what a SIM card is. It’s the part that enables devices to communicate. And to save important data. In mobile phones, this means things like contact details, and message contents. Without a SIM card, most phones are little more than pretty shells. And the technology behind the SIM is versatile, allowing it to be used in multiple devices for numerous applications. Hence its widespread adoption throughout the business and industrial ecosystem. But while standard SIM cards do have their uses in business, the technology has evolved further, leading to the development of M2M SIM. So, what does that mean? And how do M2M SIM work? M2M SIM Cards – What You Need to Know for Your Business What are M2M SIM for? Developed specifically for machine to machine (M2M) communication, M2M SIM facilitate the collection and transfer of data in a wide range of devices and scenarios. Ideal for the age of the Internet of Things (IoT), where smart devices are reducing the need for human intervention across a range of processes and applications, M2M SIM have become integral across sectors. How does an M2M SIM card work? The core of the M2M SIM is the same as the traditional SIM. It is basically a form of device or user identification. But the functionality of M2M SIM cards is different. Although voice services are available, most M2M SIM are used for text-based communication. This includes the sending and receiving of vast amounts of data, where required. And they do this through a reduced data rate… Which probably sounds like a negative thing, but in reality, equates to a lower consumption of cellular data and power for each interaction. Making M2M SIM more efficient for data heavy processes. M2M SIM cards also carry additional functionality. Including card management. So, if your company is using a network of cards, you can distribute the data allowance where it is needed most, avoiding unnecessary cost. What are the benefits of using M2M SIM cards? While most machine to machine communication can be conducted via traditional SIM, there are numerous benefits of working with dedicated M2M SIM cards. Network surfing A key advantage of M2M SIM is that your devices are rarely left without coverage because they have the ability shift between different cellular networks. And it’s this that makes them so useful within the PHV and taxi sector , as well as transport and logistics . Assets are highly unlikely to drop off the radar because they have infinite roaming potential. Security The security of M2M SIM will always depend upon your provider. But the SIMs were designed with security in mind. The right provider will afford a private APN (Access Point Name) accessed through a VPN (Virtual Private Network) for your SIM communication. This guarantees that you always have a secure tunnel for data transfer, preventing unauthorised data access. Durability M2M SIM were originally developed for industry, where they could be reliably used in a variety of environments. This meant that they needed to be stronger than the original SIM cards. M2M SIM can withstand extremes of temperature and movement. They can be used indoors or out. And they can be used for long periods without detrimental effect. Remote accessibility Wherever in the world the device you are monitoring is based, with M2M SIM you have remote access to its data. You’ll need an app and the IP address entry point, but it puts you in control of all of your assets from any distance. Reducing the need for boots on the ground. Scalability M2M SIM were created for scalability. Once you’ve done the groundwork, implementing M2M SIM within your business infrastructure, networks can be added to or changed relatively easily. So, the SIM are there to meet your business needs, as you need them. M2M SIM are not fundamental to the efficient management of a business or its assets. But they are very beneficial. As seamless communication and data gathering increase in importance and business performance, M2M SIM have the potential to make business smarter. And a whole range of sectors have already discovered the advantages they can bring. Interested in finding the best M2M SIM for your business? Get in touch .
by Nick Lockley 30 June 2021
Telematics and vehicle tracking are often used interchangeably. But for a business, the system you employ can make all the difference. At Better M2M, we supply M2M SIM cards for both vehicle tracking and telematics systems , but how do you know what is going to bring the most benefit to your business? What’s the Difference Between Vehicle Tracking and Telematics? What is telematics? Telematics is the overall umbrella term used for the technology and telecommunications systems available for the vehicle and transport industries. It covers the management of a full remit of technological tools, including: · Global positioning systems (GPS) · Engine diagnostics · Driver behaviour – gathered through sensors · Vehicle activity It can be used for individual vehicles, or – more commonly – as part of fleet management. On the other hand, vehicle tracking typically refers to the GPS element of telematics, deployed for fleet management. How does telematics work? The technology used within a telematics system gathers data from a wide range of sources. Sensors can detect everything from the opening of doors, aggressive acceleration, and poor control when navigating corners, to odometer readings and fuel use. The data is then stored within the onboard telematics device before being transmitted to the fleet manager’s data hub for analysis. Depending on the data transfer system you use, the information can be transmitted in real time. Reputable M2M SIM providers deliver a private APN (Access Point Name) accessed through a VPN (Virtual Private Network), which allows the rapid and secure transfer of data from almost anywhere. What are the main benefits of using a telematics system over a vehicle tracking system? In short, telematics can provide fleet managers with more information and more control. In many cases, vehicle tracking is all that a business needs. But with telematics, you have the information to manage individual drivers, helping to improve customer service and reduce overheads. If you know exactly where every vehicle is, you can give your customers precise delivery and collection windows. With driver behaviour data, you can take steps to correct undesirable traits, from speeding to unnecessary fuel spend – this is at the heart of what’s making true data-driven insurance a reality . With telematics, driver safety and cargo security are also enhanced. And with a wealth of data at your fingertips, you have incontrovertible proof of compliance across the board. Where can telematics systems be deployed? Telematics systems are compact and customisable. So, they can be used on almost any vehicle. From cars, to buses, HGVs, and even construction vehicles, if required. The main difference between vehicle tracking systems and telematics is versatility. Vehicle tracking can be incredibly useful. It’s smart tech that does exactly as the name implies. Telematics simply does more. Helping to aid productivity, correct behaviour, make real cost-savings, manage maintenance, and ensure compliance. Both systems have their audience. And they can both benefit from the use of high quality M2M SIM. Get in touch to find out more about the best M2M SIM for your vehicle tracking or telematics system, and to claim your free demo SIM .
by Nick Lockley 17 June 2021
As the Internet of Things (IoT) advances and more and more smart machines and technology come on to the market, there is an increasing need for reliable connectivity. Understanding how to achieve the best network coverage for all of your devices can make the difference between a merely functional and a highly productive business infrastructure. And that’s where global roaming M2M SIM cards can come into play. How Global Roaming M2M SIM Cards Could Benefit Your Business What is a global roaming M2M SIM card? Global roaming M2M SIM cards are designed specifically for your M2M devices. Working in everything from mobile cold chain monitors to security systems and remote industrial machinery, they provide constant connectivity by seamlessly switching between tier one carriers as the situation demands. As the name implies, they work globally. Our SIM provide coverage in more than 200 countries, gaining access to more than 800 networks. What are the benefits of using global roaming M2M SIM cards? Uninterrupted connectivity is the primary advantage that global roaming M2M SIM cards can deliver. However, they do offer other gains too. Cost efficiencies  Global roaming M2M SIM are designed for control. This doesn’t just mean control of your data, but control of your costs too. If used to transmit raw data, you can pay per transmission, rather than the amount of data you use. And with the Better M2M Management Portal, you can transfer data allowances between the SIMs within your account. Avoiding overspend, and maximising the value of your investment. You are also protected against typically high-cost international roaming fees. Security M2M SIM are designed with enhanced security features, helping to protect your data, no matter how sensitive it may be. And if, like Better M2M, your provider delivers a private APN (Access Point Name) accessed through a VPN (Virtual Private Network), you gain a secure tunnel for data transfer. This prevents any unauthorised access. Functionality All M2M SIM are designed for business. This means that they have a more robust build quality. Ensuring compatibility in as many environments as possible. From industrial and agricultural settings, to clinical. Simple Management While the gathering of data might be a relatively easy task, accessing and controlling it can be more difficult. Your Better M2M Management Portal gives you complete control over your devices, wherever in the world they happen to be. Broad application potential Global roaming M2M SIM cards provide the best connectivity in a huge number of arenas, including: remote monitoring, system automation, robotics, manufacturing, meteorological surveying, vehicle tracking and logistics , security, shipping, and telecoms. If your business relies upon the transmission of data from external sources, particularly devices based in other countries, or placed within moving assets, global roaming M2M SIM cards are the best option for securing interruption-free connectivity. Gain control of your remote devices with global roaming M2M SIM cards. Get in touch with Better M2M to discuss how we can better support your business.
by Nick Lockley 20 May 2021
The communications sector is constantly evolving. There always seems to be something new for businesses to consider. So, it can be difficult to know what is right for your business, and what is just a passing fad. Intelligent networks offer advanced technical services for the simplification and enhancement of communication and connectivity. That’s why they are being adopted by so many businesses. But how can you tell if it’s the right option for you? An Overview of Intelligent Networks What is an intelligent network? An Intelligent Network (IN) is a telephone network architecture devised to deliver increased service management control. The service logic and switching facilities are located separately, allowing for the changing or increasing of services without the need to redesign switching equipment. An IN can enable a variety of additional features to be added to a particular network, from call queuing and call transfer, to Universal Personal Telecommunications services. How an intelligent network could benefit your business Intelligent networks offer a whole range of potential benefits to businesses. They can help maximise profit. And minimise disruption. Here are some of the key ways that an intelligent network could help you. Simple service onboarding One of the greatest deterrents to upgrading systems or implementing new services is the disruption to legacy systems, and expense it can engender. Because intelligent networks can be added to or revised without any form of physical intervention, future modification is completely painless. And extremely quick to implement. Customisable service Finding the right network plan for your business can be difficult. A basic package may not be enough for your needs. But all the bells and whistles can be both expensive and unnecessary. With an intelligent network, you can simply select the services that are appropriate to your requirements. Not every business needs an overseas MMS service, call screening, or a home area discount. With an intelligent network, you get to choose what’s important. Better connectivity An intelligent network architecture delivers greater stability of connectivity. This means that your business is less likely to experience lost revenue though the failure of payment terminals. Or through poor customer experience. Greater security Autonomous networking allows for procedures to be set in place to enhance the security of an intelligent network – and all the data that passes through it. Through the integration of the Internet of Things (IoT) and artificial intelligence (AI), processes can be easily implemented to automatically detect and remove anomalous activity. Intelligent networks are being adopted by an ever-growing number of businesses globally. Because they simplify a previously complicated system. Offering almost infinite scalability, and the potential for ongoing evolution. Order a demo SIM from Better M2M today.
by Nick Lockley 12 May 2021
Sustainability has become increasingly important to businesses in recent years. Not only are there governmental pressures, encouraging businesses to help meet national and global sustainability targets. But when it comes to brand differentiation, sustainability also plays a significant role. For the most part, consumers are looking for responsible businesses to work with. And if a company is seen to be behaving carelessly, customers will vote with their feet. The difficulty has always been in finding efficient, cost-effective means to make green changes. The Internet of Things (IoT) is changing that. How the IoT can Help Make Your Business Greener Climate control Every year, millions of tonnes of carbon are used correcting inefficient HVAC systems. Heating, ventilation, and air conditioning represent one of the largest overheads for many businesses. Working environment – including temperature – is also one of the most influential factors when it comes to employee productivity. And yet many still get it wrong. Windows are opened in overheated rooms while the thermostat remains untouched. Plug-in heaters are brought in because there is no manual override to stop fans and air conditioning units that are programmed to operate until a fixed point in the calendar. With the application of smart sensors, connected by M2M SIM , the IoT allows building managers complete climate control. If a room or part of a building is unused for a period, HVAC systems can be set to minimum. If a warm or cold front is forecast, office climate can be proactively managed. Preventing excess energy consumption, and limiting costs. Reduced travel Imagine a scenario where remote data needs to be collected on a regular basis. Whether an energy company sending hundreds of workers from to home, travelling untold distances each day, or oil and gas companies performing vital checks to ensure that there are no leaks at diverse locations. Machine to machine (M2M) communication lessens the need for that travel. Not only sending through the relevant metrics, but providing operational data, alerts when components need replacing, and providing a compliance audit trail. Waste reduction Waste happens in business for a whole raft of reasons. Some, compliance based. Such as the necessary flushing of pipework to prevent the likes of legionella and other bacteria taking hold. Others, the products of poor storage, or undetected environmental failures. Such as freezer vehicle breakdown. In both cold chain management and compliance, IoT tech allows for constant monitoring. With real time data, managers can see if enough water or the right temperature has passed through any given tap in any particular timeframe. They can see if the environment of a warehouse or vehicle is rising above the requisite temperature. Water companies can accurately monitor whole sections of pipework for leaks. And they can take the appropriate action. Preventing unnecessary waste. Smart management In our cities, perhaps more than anywhere else, there is the potential to achieve real sustainability gains through the IoT. Smart cities employ the IoT for all kinds of functions, from traffic management to security. And a significant part of that is the administration of our streets – when does street lighting need to be deployed? How much CO2, NO2 and atmospheric dust are in the local atmosphere at any given time? When does action need to be taken to manage it? All of these principles can be adopted and adapted for the business environment. The IoT is still in its early days. And the potential for the application of smart monitoring technology for sustainability practices is still being explored. But there is no denying that the potential is there. And it could prove to be the most easily adopted and effective option for a whole range of sectors. If you’re looking for the best M2M SIM to connect your IoT solutions, get in touch to claim your free demo SIM , and find out how Better M2M can help.
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