Subscriber Identity Modules, or as most of us know them, SIMs, have become such an integral part of contemporary communications that they’re rarely given much thought beyond the selection of providers. They identify which network your device connects to for calls, texts and data, and determine your fees for these services. And that’s pretty much what most people want from their machine to machine communications too. So, why would you consider a dedicated M2M SIM instead of the standard consumer SIM? And how are M2M SIMs different?
Consumer SIMs and M2M SIM cards are made for very different purposes. General communication, and machine to machine communication, hence the M2M acronym. This means that M2M SIMs allow machines to send and receive data in real time, often across very large distances. The uses for this are myriad. M2M SIMs power GPS tracking for the freight and logistics sector, allow for process automation in industrial settings, can assist with the digitisation of healthcare allowing for remote patient monitoring, and can provide remote working solutions. Among many other applications.
The M2M SIM is a versatile, flexible, and powerful solution that allows for improved productivity and a reduction of man hours.
One of the main benefits of employing M2M SIMs is that you have complete control over your SIM estate through a single portal. So, if you’re deploying multiple SIMs, perhaps for taxi or PHV management, you can access the data from every one in real time from one IoT (Internet of Things) platform. You can even track data usage and SIM activity for each individual as you go. And with the data packages tailored to meet the specific needs of your M2M applications and the flexibility to share data across all devices, you’ll never overspend.
Another significant difference between standard SIM cards and M2M SIMs is their build. M2M SIMs are much more robust than their consumer counterparts. Because they’ll often need to be used in industrial or exposed environments, they can withstand significantly higher and lower temperatures. Typically having a tolerance range between -40°C and 105°C. They’re corrosion resistant. And they can tolerate both vibration and sudden movement far more successfully than standard SIM cards.
M2M SIM are also designed to be used with multiple carriers, rather than being locked into a single provider. This ability to roam is of particular benefit to the logistics and transportation sectors.
Lastly, M2M SIMs can also be used to transmit raw data. And the benefit of this is that you’re only paying for a single transmission, rather than the amount of data used.
So, while the idea and the basic infrastructure of the M2M SIM is very similar to the traditional consumer SIM, there are a number of differences that make the M2M SIM far more suited to business applications.
If you would like to learn more about the best M2M SIM for your business, contact Better M2M today.
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